Friday, February 29, 2008

EXHAUSTED - Or a Week in the life

This week has consumed me. So much going on. The girls both are in soccer now and we managed to get them on teams that meet 2ce a week at the EXACT time on OPPOSITE ends of town. Only I could be so fortunate. Thank goodness my ex and I get along these days, because including games I will be seeing his shiny face 3 times a week.

To top off soccer I also got to pass a kidney stone (AT WORK mind you) and as soon as the work week ends get the girls ready for a Mardi Gras Dance at their elementary school (more about this in the next post).

It just seems like I am getting busier and busier and busier. I would LOVE to have a lunch hour where I can actually sit at a restaraunt and eat lunch instead of run out for soccer balls or run out for Mardi Gras masks or run out to the bank.

Oh Well, I always try to remind myself that I have chosen my path every step of the way. It makes me feel conforted mostly but some days it make me think "What the hell were you thinking!!!"

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