Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Wall

When I was little I use to watch adults a lot. I didn't hang out with too many kids. One thing the adults would do from time to time that I found sophisticated and mysterious was occasionally, you could catch one just staring at the wall. I could never figure out what was so interesting about a wall. I would try to just sit and stare and be grown up but got bored much to quickly. It took a lot to keep my attention.

Now as an adult, I know what staring at the wall means. It isn't terribly exciting. It means that your brain is done for now. It means that you are at capacity. It means that you have a dad that is disappearing from Alzheimer's, a kid with boobs, a laid off brother in law, IRS issues, problems with an ex, too much work. None of it is exciting in a good way. None of it is mysterious.