Friday, February 29, 2008



I remember that Christmas when I was so determined to get you the Alf doll that you could get for $4 bucks with a Taco Bell meal. Mom tried to steer me to a better gift but I SWORE that was exactly what you wanted..................

On Christmas morning I had you open my present first because I couldn't wait any longer. When you opened it, you acted as all you had been waiting for your whole life was an Alf doll. You are a sweet sweet man.

Looking back, I think I wanted you to have it because I wanted you to have it. One of my favorite times of the day was when Alf came on and you would lay flat on the floor and I was so small for my age I could fit into the small of you back......

I love you. Maybe you won't be able to remember these times in the following years, but I will remember for the both of us....

Mardi Gras for Elementary School Kids

Tonight is my kiddos dance. Since when do elementary school kids have dances anyhow? Isn't there a big focus on slowing down the maturation of tween girls??
So for the theme this year they have chosen Mardi Gras....Nice......
I have been working with my 7 year old little lady over the past few days and I think she understands how to earn beads now. NOT!!!
Couldn't they have chosen something a bit more childlike? Why did they choose a theme that for adults means that you can make an acceptable costume out of liquid latex and loose feathers?
I understand the purpose of Mardi Gras - I really do. My family does the whole lent thing....We go to me...we get it. But I also fully understand the major side of Mardi Gras....I was a coed once. A really fun one at that.
I just don't like it.

EXHAUSTED - Or a Week in the life

This week has consumed me. So much going on. The girls both are in soccer now and we managed to get them on teams that meet 2ce a week at the EXACT time on OPPOSITE ends of town. Only I could be so fortunate. Thank goodness my ex and I get along these days, because including games I will be seeing his shiny face 3 times a week.

To top off soccer I also got to pass a kidney stone (AT WORK mind you) and as soon as the work week ends get the girls ready for a Mardi Gras Dance at their elementary school (more about this in the next post).

It just seems like I am getting busier and busier and busier. I would LOVE to have a lunch hour where I can actually sit at a restaraunt and eat lunch instead of run out for soccer balls or run out for Mardi Gras masks or run out to the bank.

Oh Well, I always try to remind myself that I have chosen my path every step of the way. It makes me feel conforted mostly but some days it make me think "What the hell were you thinking!!!"

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Beautiful Boy

My beautiful boy.

I have had a stepson now for a couple of years. I was a mom for along time before that to 2 girls, so I figured "No sweat! I GOT this!"

How wrong. Boys are so different. It took me months to get used to explosion noises. And that he could wipe his nose on his own.

Now, I think that we are hitting a good groove. We live close to his mom, so we can make it to a lot of his things......He likes jokes - I got jokes.

What is hard for me to figure out is a place where he is comfortable with my involvement in his life. His mom is good. He already has a mom. I am not quite sure where I fit in, but it feels like I do now. Things can be so fragile with children, but I think that I am getting there with him.

I know I love him like he's mine. That'a a start.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My friend took this picture of my new Tio at my wedding. It is one of the most touching pictures I have ever seen. Normally, he is so jovial. The camera seems to get under his mask so to speak.


Don’t come to me unbridled
Grabbing without control.
Touch me with grace,
Come at me gently,

Sneak up to me like a bird does a butterfly
In the few inches above the grass.

Come join me under the covers
Inching like a caterpillar under a leaf
And you will find that my embraces,
Light like dandelion seeds,
Will keep you satiated.

Talk softly and tiptoe
It’s all more sensitive than you know.

Pacify me
Calm me
And I will open to you.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

It Looks Boring

I am sure that I will be posting A LOT on my 10 year old Child of God. (I use that phrase to remind myself from time to time).

After the shock on her face when finding out I was writing a blog, she informed me that I was too old......31 is not old in my book, but then again it IS 3 times her age plus a little.

I showed it to her as proof of my youth and hipness.

"It looks boring".

My Angel My Daughter My Life

Breaking the Seal


My first blog. It was the worst of times and it was the best of times....etc etc

I am not sure who will have interest in my thoughts. I am not trailing celebrities, I haven't been to rehab, I certainly can't give any financial advice.

At best I shoot for some day having a small group of people, regular shmoes like me, interested in similar rants and raves.

So, Cheers!

I will list some words that myself and other people have used to describe me:

very very liberal
wife exwife
low maintenance
high maintenance

That's a good enough start. Now go make your own conclusions.