I have always had a soft fascination with the Book of Job. I think of it at odd times. Tonight when I locked my kids out of my room to take a shower and stop cussing inside my head for a few minutes there was good ole Job, there to pester me.
I have always been incredibly uncomfortable talking about my faith. I come from a strong strain of adamant agnostics and always the misfit chose a different path...but here goes...
Sometimes when I pity myself and feel like no one in the world has had as difficult a life as mine in the history of all the eons I will read the whole Book of Job to bring myself down a notch. I find it very comforting to gain perspective because lets be honest, he was a great guy, his life blew, and he still maintained his faith and an inner peace I can only dream of. It helps me get over myself a bit and realize that I in fact have a lot of fight left in me.
Now, on other days, thinking days as I call them, this book puzzles me beyond measure. I am not one of those people that take the bible literally all the time, but still. Damn... If God is in fact our father than wasn't he kind of a dick? All of that misery for a bet with the devil? If I made a bet that was essentially "Hey! I bet you didn't think I could do this to my kid didja??!!?!" my kid would be taken away. In fact, you could say that while betting with the Devil (which I have been intimately acquainted with at times) you should probably leave your kids out of it all together. I mean, if I am not comfortable betting with their college money in Vegas it is safe to assume that betting on their will and faith in me is a pretty shite idea all around.
I guess in the end I think that maybe the Book of Job was just a huge allegory. Even taking it at that it seems a bit prickish.
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