I remember that Christmas when I was so determined to get you the Alf doll that you could get for $4 bucks with a Taco Bell meal. Mom tried to steer me to a better gift but I SWORE that was exactly what you wanted..................
On Christmas morning I had you open my present first because I couldn't wait any longer. When you opened it, you acted as all you had been waiting for your whole life was an Alf doll. You are a sweet sweet man.
Looking back, I think I wanted you to have it because I wanted you to have it. One of my favorite times of the day was when Alf came on and you would lay flat on the floor and I was so small for my age I could fit into the small of you back......
I love you. Maybe you won't be able to remember these times in the following years, but I will remember for the both of us....