Thursday, January 26, 2012
First Sonnet in Forever
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Trip
I need to cook some more for the hubby before I go.
The hotels are 80% booked.
I am taking the girls to Graceland, Atlanta (the zoo, aquarium, CNN, et all), to see the MLK landmarks in Birmingham, and to see the civil war cemetery in Vicksburg.
It is going to be a big big trip.
Monday, February 23, 2009
I called her a meanie and felt good about it
HA! Mama is tricky!
The best line of it all was the little one, when describing what she did to the older one:
"I called her a meanie AND FELT GOOD ABOUT IT"
Saturday, December 20, 2008
2008 - or what I have done
1)I helped save a man's life. This proved to be one of the most meaningful things of 2008 for me. My girls saw me in a new way. They saw that their mother has strength that they hadn't seen before. I saw that I had strength that I had forgotten about.
2)I represented myself succesfully in court. This has insurmountable pride for me. It not only showed me that I am competant, it showed me something more important. I no longer fear my ex. He can't scare me anymore. Right does prevail. Justice prevails. And I am capable of keeping my children safe.
3)I have grown at work. I have brought in significant business. I have built an identity for myself. I was mentioned in the leadership meeting with the founder and president of the company. That is significant.
4)My children continue to grow and do well. They are so beautiful. They are so SMART. They crack me up. They are my life.
5)I love my husband. It has been almost 2 and a half years now that we have been married. Compared to how broken I was for many years, this is a huge accomplishment.
6)I am a good daughter. Life has changed and now my parents are more dependant on me than I am of them and I am handling this just fine. It feels good to take care of them when I can.
All in all, it takes pain to grow. There has been a lot of pain this year. I feel confident that I am adapting.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Wintertime Exhaustion
I need a break.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
"Then my mom TOOK HER TOP OFF!"

The day after Thanksgiving I took the girls to a Dude Ranch out in Bandera for a girl’s getaway. We had so much fun 99.9% of the time. .1% of the time was horrifying!
We were on one of the more advanced trail rides up the side of a mountain. There were 13 people on the ride and 2 wranglers. Coming down the face of the mountain the wrangler in front’s horse bucked. He flew upside down into the air and landed on his back, unconscious, his head hitting a rock. Blood started flowing full on.
Little Ivy was 1st in line behind the wrangler and her horse started going a bit nutty. She managed to pull him out of the line and settle him down. I am so proud of her and her instinct. The wrangler in the back of the line near me shot off down the mountain to get help. I broke line and ran up and dismounted. At this point the guy was moaning and regaining consciousness but had no idea what had happened. I took my top off and wrapped his head and had to pin him down with this other lady because we had no idea what he might have done to his back etc.
This guy finally came up (not in time to offer his shirt mind you) and helped pin the guy until they got a truck up and got him off the mountain. The girls were really shaken and upset but handled themselves great in the crisis. I have to say that the 5 kids on the ride handled it better than most of the adults. They were crying but followed direction well and kept their horses under control.
It ends up the guy broke 4 ribs, dislocated his shoulder, and got a massive concussion. (not to mention a load of stitches in his head).
When we got back into cell reception the next day Zoe called all of her friends and it sure was nice to be the hero for a change!